Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I am so lucky to have these gorgeous red birds in my yard every day of the year.  Sometimes, I forget to appreciate how beautiful they are it's good to remind myself.

I am feeling so colossally crappy that it was a major effort even to get this shot.  I took this from the hide which had been well warmed by the sun.  All over the woods I could hear the sounds of Northern Cardinals singing their spring songs.  Lovely.

I saw my doctor today who confirmed that I have the flu.  Unfortunately, I waited too long to see him so I just have to let this run its course although he did prescribe a cough syrup which will hopefully give me some peace from the wretched cough.  He prescribed Tamiflu for Hubs who is just having some very early symptoms so hopefully that will stop him getting the full-blown virus.

We chatted a bit about Covid 19 and the impact it is already having on the medical profession.  And he said that even doctor's offices are having a hard time finding masks and hand sanitizer - crazy!  

Hubs picked Charlie up from his Big Dental Adventure.  He's not very happy with us, but seems to be none the worse for the wear. And he has lovely breath again - yay!

When I got back from the doc, I happened to look out the window just in time to see Tom and the lady-turkeys running pell-mell out of the woods to the patio.  Honestly, if you haven't seen wild turkeys running, it's quite a sight.  It made me smile.

Okay, enough from me.  Off to curl up with a good book.


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