Mono Monday: Shape

This shape is that of a leg lifter tool, which I can use to pull my useless leg upon to the bed or a footrest when I can't use my pants leg. It is one of the new things I've discovered that I can buy to help me out at home. The big news is that I've found the right walker. There were several in the PT room and I tried a few until I found this one. It just feels right. Fortunately it can be bought right here in Seattle; apparently it requires some assembly, but I hope it won't be too much for Lex.

The other good news is that I've been able to schedule a care conference for Wednesday morning, where I'll be able to talk to everyone involved with my care here and to be able to make a plan for going home soon. I have more incentive to do that now that I've discovered that, having reached my 21st day here, I now have a $160 daily copay for the rest of my stay. That's what that bill was about.

In other news, I slept through the night for the first time, had two sessions of PT, and worked with Jean, the OT, practicing skills with the new Walker. And breakfast did not include hard boiled eggs! There was some kind of fluffy egg pudding instead. Lunch, of course, included the usual apple slices. I'm waiting to see what dinner brings.

Lex came by this afternoon, which was a treat, and I had a lovely phone conversation with Manda. Tomorrow she will be having the 28 week ultrasound during which they will measure the babies. Since then I've been enjoying reading my Kindle. So on the whole, it was a very good day. I hope there are more good ones to come

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