MAD Staircase

Another chance to take lots of photos of stairs today. Shelly and I visited the Museum of Art and Design and enjoyed the exhibits there. Our only complaint was the lighting which didn’t work well for Shelly. In addition to the exhibits and a shop full of wonderful (but really expensive) Stuff, there was this staircase. I went a bit nuts taking photos of it.

In the evening we went to the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie to a piano recital by Ann Schein. Wow!  I admit I’d never heard of her. She is particularly known for her performances of music by Chopin and Rachmaninov. Tonight she played an all Chopin program. It was magical. Subtle and lyrical where it should be and full of fire and drama without being over done. And her fingers raced over the keys. Did I mention that she is 80 years old? The audience rose as one to its feet at the end of the concert and Ann treated us to fiery encore by Rachmaninov. We were thrilled. I didn’t take her photo because photos weren’t allowed. I did take a few of the space.

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