Three Monkeys and an Iguana

Chose this but the extra was a close second. Title: What the heck? Both were sights during our wander today into Hell’s Kitchen where we did a massive load of wash. We take off tomorrow for New Jersey for a weekend with family. We are gathering for Shelly’s great niece’s Bat Mitzfa. So far the celebration is still going on so we’re heading to the hotel where family and special guests will stay. Shelly’s daughter Elke and her family will be there so we’ll see them one more time before we head home. Gotta say all the hoo ha about the COVID 19 virus is very strange, especially since we are so far from home. If Trump actually does ban travel to Washington State it could get dicey since that is home for us. Still we persevere since the party is a go. We don’t head home until the 16th.

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