My bouquet of Spider Mums...

...was just about ready to bite the dust, so last night I picked the one that was holding together the best, put it in some water, & stuck it in the freezer. When I took it out this morning, the coloring from the flowers had tinted the water pink. I noticed my daffodils are up about 2 inches so soon I won't have to worry about buying bouquets or freezing droopy flowers. I went with Tom for his lab draw this morning, and no sooner did we get home then the lab called to say his blood had clotted, so we need to go back at 2 to have it re-drawn. It's never happened before in two and a half years, so it must be the "Friday the 13th" influence. LOL.  My jury duty deferment was approved, and I kid you not---just as I was reading that email, it was announced on the news that they've suspended all jury activities. Dang! If I'd have waited one more day my name would have gone back into the random "jury pool" and I might not have been picked again; but I'd already re-scheduled myself. It's GOT to be the "Friday the 13th" influence!!   :)))      Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting FF, and hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

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