The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

A silver sword is not enough

Actually, I meant to post an image of the cherry blossom tree at school, but the tree kept moving in the wind. So this is the cover of "a book I love" that I'm posting as part of a 7 day challenge on FB to promote reading. This will have to be my emergency blip on this day that Trump declares a National Emergency, and Britons keep on washing their hands. Some people at school now have cracked and bleeding skin from frequent handwashing.

A terribly busy day today, including the market, a stint in nursery, a massage to deliver, and a haircut. Handwashing with two-to-four-year-olds is taking up a lot of time, what with singing happy birthday twice, and most of them touching their faces again immediately afterwards! How are they supposed to understand when the hygiene rules suddenly change?

A highlight of my day was winning a total of £14.67 on two bets placed on Al Boum Photo in the Gold Cup. He won for the second year running. I even managed to time my day so that I could watch the race on live TV.

Got my hair cut short too, so I'm all ready for self containment, or whatever happens next. Some of my friends who are older and more vulnerable are beginning to self - isolate already.

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