Pretend to be better...

... was Tess's advice to me today.

Every day Tess has asked me how I'm feeling and if I'm any better yet.
I feel like I've let her down so many times by feeling a bit better and then going downhill again since I started feeling ill on 31st Dec that I became worried about saying "Yes, I feel a bit better today."

She said to me the other day "I always love you - however you are, but I prefer you when you are well."
I felt so mean that I couldn't be well for her.

So this morning when (after 4 hours sleep - hooray!) I managed to sit up in bed and have a chat and do her hair, I said that I thought I was probably feeling a little better but didn't say any more than that, I didn't make any promises, she took a long hard look at me and said "Well, you could pretend to be better and see how that goes."
"Yes. I could," I said. "I'll try that.

Well. As you can see from the slightly improved photo, pretending to feel better works ;o)

I had a shower, got dressed and managed to do a load of washing. I even paid a few shop bills.
By afternoon I was feeling quite ropey and collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep.

It snowed quite a lot but the snow didn't stick around. It just dripped away.

In the evening I sat at the table and ate some dinner and even sat on the sofa and watched TV and talked.

Life is fantastic when you can
a) Breathe - Breathing is GOOOOOD!
b) Talk to your family - Talking is MARVELLOUS!
c) Eat and drink - WHOOOP for eating!
d) Look around you, be interested in and make sense of the world -> snow and birds: YIPPEE!
e) Watch TV with your loved ones in the evening - Comic Relief Great British Bake Off - Best TV EVER!
f) Sleep a bit - still working on that, but at least I've managed to lie down properly
g) Decrease pain. Phew.

The coughing fits continue, are exhausting and are making my throat sting but things are looking up


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