
8°C  -  Feels like 4°C  -  22 mph SW Wind Speed  -  29 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  Appointment in town  -  plenty of parking spaces which was a change from normal!  Explanation  -  two burly Traffic Wardens wandering around -  someone must have spread the alert.  Lidls, however, was packed like sardines  -  tinned soup shelves  -  empty  -  toilet and kitchen roll shelves  -  empty!  Luckily, I wasn’t after any of those  -  I was hunting king prawns, coconut water, chocolate biscuits, and toothpaste  -  successfully!  Plenty of birds around when I returned home!  Main blip is the two Rooks that visit while the Ravens are elsewhere.  Extra is my lame Blackbird that has been visiting for two years now,  I think the female might be his wife, the Rook stood for ages on the tree stump, and the Bluetit grabbed his chance at the feedtray when the two Rooks flew off.

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