Love in a Time of Crisis

Lent verse today is 1 John 3v18:

My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love.

In that spirit, here are my reflections on our current crisis, for your consideration, any comeback or more reflections very welcome:

C - Climate change, Isn't it incredible that what Greta et al, for all their efforts, couldn't effect, this virus has done in an instant - huge numbers of flights cancelled, driving in many countries all but at a halt. Amazing.

O - Obvious that, as one Spanish commentator pointed out, we're only getting hysterical because it's also affecting us, the  rich and white. Many more die of totally preventable causes every day, day after day, but we don't care, because it's not us. Think it's also made it obvious that we are only human, and not able to control everything, no matter how much money and technology we throw at it.

V - Values. What a great time to reconsider what really matters to us. Is it how much we earn, the right to shop, shop, shop, and to travel? Or is it our families and friends, time to be together, time to get enough sleep, the lives of the vulnerable around us?

I - Illogicality of a lot of the information we're given, and measures taken. Think about it... One factor which most seem to agree will bring a drop in the numbers is the coming of summer. Why? Because more people will be out of doors in the fresh air and sunshine. And yet, governments have shut everyone up in their flats, and it is strictly forbidden to go out in the fresh air and onto the beaches. Of course, there'd need to be a way of controlling numbers, but surely possible! And then, the numbers themselves. How in the world can we believe any of it when there aren't even enough kits to test health workers (of which, two are our kids)? Are they wild guesses, or what?

D - Decisions. We need to decide to make the best of the situation, rather than waste it, worrying. Maybe decide only to look at news once a day, surely that's enough. The day we listened to the radio a lot, I began to feel quite panicky. The media will do anything to keep us looking; let's make our own decisions and not let it control us. Staying calm will help our immune systems, and that's what's needed, more than ever. Decide to be considerate, not selfish. If you've hoarded, share it out, will make you so happy.

19 - Here's a suggestion for making ourselves happier in all this. Make a list of 19 people you can show love to during this time. Maybe 19 handwritten letters, or 19 phone calls, or 19 cakes to give to the homeless. Or 19 people you could give a packet of loo rolls to, would make them laugh, anyway. What other ideas do you have?

Here, onboard the Connemara, we had quite a rough night across the Bay of Biscay - rocking and swaying and crashing noises. But all good now, crossing the Channel, after a sunny afternoon. Gloves being worn whenever we go out of our cabin for fresh air, everyone being very considerate of the one metre rule - so we don't infect anyone else, hopefully... Supposed to be arriving in Portsmouth at 22:00.

- comfy beds to feel sick in - seasick, that is!
- a hot shower after it was over
- sitting in sunshine a lot of the afternoon

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