Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My plan was to give this photo a little sparkle, but Pixlr didn't want to play today.
Today was the first day I became affected by the change in society due to covid-19. When I came out to get on the bus, there was no bus at the bus stop. I learned that there hasn't been any busses previous to the one I'm going with usually - at least three busses didn't come. I went to talk to the bus driver standing further down the street. They sometimes do this when waiting for the bus departing before them. He looked puzzled when I told him that three scheduled busses hadn't arrived. He told me that many drivers are sick, or home, because of covid-19. So, I came to work 10 minutes later than usual. 
No panik yet, I still have time to change into work clothes, but I told my boss that since there's beginning to be trouble I wanted her to know that I'm trying to get to work, but sometimes I might be late in the future. I think the bus company will do its best to keep most busses running, but you never know. I think I'll have to have a Plan B and perhaps a Plan C.

We've gotten a new coworker and I've had a run in with her before when she was working with another group... so, I'm staying as clear as I can from her and everything will be good. :) I've mostly been replanting today, and of course stealing little chats with my baby Geraniums. :) 

Since it's St. Patrick's Day (Why St. Patrick's and not St Patricks'...? My teeth itch when I write Patrick's since it's his day and not that he's there... Can anyone with English as mother tongue explain?) I chose to blip a 'Shamrock' -  it's clover... and it should be a succulent. A coworker bought a seed package from Wish with a lot of succulent seeds. She sowed some in the greenhouse and it's not succulents growing... 
I'm so looking forward to my day off tomorrow. :)

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