
It was an eventful day. 

I was drinking my coffee before breakfast, and wondering what the day might bring, when I saw an email from Parliament's HR Department in my personal emails. The email was clear, but not how it would apply to me. It might have meant me working from home immediately. 

Next step was to phone the Manager to explain the doubt, and then HR. As expected, they did not know the answer either. The outcome was they put me on "working from home" status, just to be safe. 

Then I went in to the Office to collect what I would need. 

The party's MSPs had a meeting in Parliament at lunchtime to agree a common policy, which turned out to be almost exactly what the Hippie and I decided yesterday - business as usual but keeping the front door locked. 

I will still be on holiday next week, but in some ways it is a waste because there is nowhere to go. Hopefully the weather will be OK and the garden will get lots of hard work. 

The good news is Air France has cancelled my flights on Friday, so I am optimistic about getting a refund. 

The Blip is the rare sight of my work hardware sitting at home. I am not sure if it has happened before. 

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