Social Distancing Birthday Greetings

Another cold and windy day, the winds starting to ease this evening.  Some fine sunny spells, and then some showers, wintery at times again.

It's been a lonely day working in the museum.  One colleague left early to go self isolate, and then the last in the office clerk packed up and headed home to work.  I've enjoyed being by myself, less folk means less germs.  I've kept busy scanning photos, and also uploading them to social media to find out names and info, and also gives anyone at home something to help with.  I'll stay in the museum as long as I can, it will be good to keep some sort of normality and routine in this situation.  Me and Sammy avoided the showers on our walkies tonight.  I'm working in the pub later, and extra precautions will be in place.  One new case of Coronavirus here, now up to 16 on the island.  This is such a false figure again, when you hear of so many struck down with it.

Mam's birthday today, and headed down to see her at lunchtime.  I phoned at first, talked through the window, and then she opened the door for some social distancing chat.  Mam has been advised to stay clear of folk and work for a few days.  Strange not giving mam a hug and birthday kiss, nor lunch or even a cuppa.  Best to stay safe in this uncertain times.  Mam and dad on their briggistanes, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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