
I first took Miss E to school eight and a half years ago. Looking at this photo I can't believe how tiny she was!
Today I picked Miss L up for the last for who knows how long. 
I felt so sad. As I drove away I couldn't stop the tears pouring down my face. I've been taking her there since she was eighteen months old and suddenly I'm not taking her any more. The world's been turned upside down.
Miss L stroked my arm and said "It'll be OK, Mummy"
She's amazing!!
I know it'll be OK but I am incredibly bad at endings. The only thing for it is to have a quick cry and then get on.
Miss L knows that!
Both the Little Misses are taking it all in their stride which is a relief. I think they think it's going to be an extended holiday and they wont have to get dressed for a few months!
Uncharted waters ahead.

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