Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

All hand on deck today at work, since the small plants of different kinds had arrived. Half of us were planting the small plants, and the rest of us writing name tags. I wrote name tags first and after writing a bit over 200 I changed to planting. I manage to plant one and then a coworker came. I suggested we work together and she agreed. I filled soil and she planted. The strange thing was that while we were writing, we heard on the radio a woman describing some strange symptoms she had. She said she had pains in her body, in the joints, had a headache and was so tired she almost didn't have the energy to move. My coworker and I had the exact same symptoms so we just looked at each other and said Hm... They were talking about Covid-19, so perhaps that's what my coworker and I had. Or, something else strange is going around.
Another coworker and I went down to the gym my last half hour. I worked through my whole body, starting with dumbbell row, and it felt so nice! I haven't lost any muscle mass during my 'lazy' period and that's so fab! I'm going to have some serious muscle ache tomorrow, though! :D 

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