Camellias in the Wind

Lockdown Day 1 .We'd been wondering about Otis for a couple of days. The lady who took us to meet him a month ago told us he was quite 'food motivated'. I think thats shorthand for 'greedy'. He eats his food very fast and that's why we got him the puzzle tray so he's slower to clear the dry food. I think it probably comes from the time he spent living on the street.

For the last few days we've been finding a small number of biscuits left when we come to feed him and wondered why. Today we found out. When we ordered the cat flap we also got a few other items on a promotion. Among them was a large bag of dry food. There must have been a small rip in the bag. When Marian was tidying up she noticed some dry food spilt on the floor and it appears that someone had enlarged the hole and had been helping themselves.

Resourceful, I call it.

The wind's blowing quite hard and there's a pile of dropped petals and flower heads on the paving below this plant. I thought it probably needed blipping before the rest of the blooms join them.

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