Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


The door is locked. No one enters, no one leaves. Today I have a cough. I always have a cough but this one feels different from my asthma cough, like there is something that I can't quite shift. It wouldn't be a winter without me having a chest infection of some sort, I catch every cold going, my lungs have general unhappiness. It's likely just one of my usual winter coughs but we can't risk it being C-19 so here we are, confined to our house for something that might be fine tomorrow. It's the right thing to do.

Put my laundry away and changed the bedding in the zoom company of 3 friends (we even had an online temperature check, 2 meat thermometers and one brewing thermometer, can I really be the only one with a proper thermometer?), tidied the kitchen with family.

Quiet evening of watching telly from separate seats for the first time ever!

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