Feathered focus


fiercely focused
frigid cold
feathered faith in feeders
filled for you

Our feeders are busy with chickadees snatching sunflower hearts and devouring them in quick succession. Their caloric needs are at the max in this frigid cold. I had a fleeting window glimpse of one of my old warbler friends yesterday and an exciting flash today. I think it looked like a Ruby Crowned Kinglet with a red cap stripe! The starlings drove most of the small birds away by the time I came home from the train drop-off. Hopefully they will both return and pose.

We also had three shy young bucks with short antlers pawing and snorting out back. I went out quietly and circled around the house, but it didn't fool them. They are much more cautious than the does. Of course they quickly caught sight and scent of me and high-tailed it over the stonewalls back into our woods. Leaving only their musky scent hanging in the dry cold air and the blur of their white flag tails.

Off to painting soon, light snow on the way later this evening.

For the Record,
This day came in a few degrees warmer, 11 degrees f as we made our way to the train.


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