Up at the Crack

of Dawn to be at the lake before most other's were awake :)

Not much activity on the lake apart from the blue tits that were flittering along beside me, a blackbird was singing and the geese were honking (see extras for my first ever, I think a wren apart from one in the garden a few years ago, a grebe on the lake and a blackbird :)

A very enjoyable early morning walk around the lake for an hour - only saw 3 other people - 1 dog walker and two runners, so keeping in social isolation was good!  

No sound apart from the birds, it was lovely :):)

Home and I listened to our Minister give a short sermon online based on Matthew 6 v 25 -34, then played a worship list, all through headphones...

(if and when I move, I must sort out a speaker or something to listen to online music) 

Later on I am going for another, more likely muddy walk - well meeting my friend and her dogs outside their house, and going to the local golf course  :)

Must get some lunch now then I think a bit of reading and rest as I'm feeling quite tired now) before that :)

I'm working at the office tomorrow all as there  is a busy day ahead, but I think the rest of the week will be some working at home and some being at work to keep the social isolation going...will see what my Boss has decided :)

Happy Sunday folks :)

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