Now where did they come from

I didn't plant tulips there i planted them in an entirely different spot. There are a couple of other tulip plants coming up too in the same area.

Mmmm have i got am I going

Then i see a daffodil in a pot with a plant now i know that wasnt put there by me because it was fresh compost last year when i potted the plant..

Ah methinks could the culprit be the squirrel who has dug up the bulbs and re-burried them for his winter store but forgotten where he put them. Possibly.

Well we did our excercise in the fresh air by dog walking then after lunch i cut the 2 back lawns so i got more fresh air and excercise.

Now its time for tea, hot pot to finish which was made on Sunday. Then sit and watch all the rubbish tv has to offer. Mind you I think yorkshire vet is on tonight so something decent.

Stay safe and sane

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