They are back

We lost them last year when we had to have the big conifer cut down but they are back again a lovely pair. we also have a pair of green finches visiting now plus blue-tits and long tailed tits as well as robins blackbirds and starlings.

Well here's my saga for today.

Last night I had my Tesco Groceries Home delivered with half the items (19) not available, which was really annoying as when I finalised the order the night before they were all available.
This morning when we were getting ready to take the dogs, Paula said maybe we should call at Tesco or somewhere else on the way back to see what we can get. Then I suddenly had a thought Tesco do Mon. Wed. Fri. pensioners hour 9 till 10. And out of curiosity I looked on their site and found they had the items I didn’t get the previous night; I said no leave the dogs lets go now. 
So off we went I stood in the queue we were well-spaced I might add. I had my mask on and gloves. They were letting people in as some came out. Shop had only a few in and I was given a lovely bunch of cream roses as I went in. I got everything I didn’t get last night except loo roll; they had had them but I was too late. Plus I got  more items as well . Why if they had them in stock in did they not put them in my order. It's baffled me.
So much for self-isolating, how can we when the home delivery lets you down. Anyhow seeing we were next door to it I called in Lidle too and got some more groceries, so we are well stocked now and shouldn’t need to go out for some time, (except to take the dogs and exercise by walking), and then need to go only for milk. I have my meals all worked out.
Saga over.

I got a facebook message that we should all go to our open doors on Thursday 26th at 8pm and clap loudly to show appreciation for the NHS staff  and all the helpers who are working tirelessly  in these times of uncertainty. I wonder if people will. I shall.

Stay safe

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