Lockdown - Day 5

Late afternoon, as the sun went down, these little bell flowers were lit up. They grow on one of the shrubs in the garden, whose name I have completely forgotten!

Another beautiful day, in the sun it felt even warmer than yesterday. So, with the temperature set to halve by the weekend, I made the most of the weather and spent the day in the garden reading, pruning, mowing the back lawn and just sitting and enjoying the antics of the birds and the bees.

Due to the current situation, our rubbish/recycling collection was cancelled today (we have to wait another week), and I also found out that garden waste bins won’t be collected for another four weeks (so was a bit put out when a neighbour confessed he’d filled our bin with his grass cuttings under the cover of darkness!). But none of that is unsurmountable, I’m just very grateful to have a garden and to be able to get out and enjoy some fresh air...

Take care, stay safe and well...

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