An OU pound

"You'll never be poor if you have an OU Pound" as me old gran might have said if she'd not died shortly after the OU started accepting students. I'm pretty sure that these two events were not linked.

It's been a busy old day and the crowning glory was having a jacket potato. This might not sound like the full rock & roll lifestyle for which I am known but bear with me. I cannot remember the last time I had a jacket potato, I don't buy the kind of spuds one uses, but when Rowan did some shopping for me she included three baking potatoes so I have baked a couple of them. A million years ago I worked for Berni Inns and jacket potatoes were an option on the menu so I've cooked a fair few. Occasionally the chef would forget to put them in the oven so we'd have to play the old "The chef was disappointed when he checked the ones he'd cooked because they were discoloured in the middle. We cannot offer then this evening". I'm pleased to say that I've not lost my jacket potato touch - crispy on the outside but nice and fluffy on the inside. 

A bit more marking and then I'm turning off this PC and chillaxing with some mindless TV - stay safe out there everyone!

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