On Some Days

By V1k1

Flower Friday . . . Monarch + Lantana Flowers

Day two and the butterflies were again a distraction.  This one emerged inside the house so it was easy to have a photoshoot with the camera on the tripod.  I also released the butterfly from the cage.  That is three females in two days.  The other chrysalis are still green.  I have added an extra  because I couldn't decide between them.
We needed a few grocery items items today and a prescription.  We decided it was better if just one of us went.  The forester reported back he saw men with lists in the supermarket :-)  I ordered the prescription on line from the doctor, paid online and he collected it from the pharmacy by waiting at the door until it was brought to him.
This morning we spoke to Andrew the beekeeper who lives below us.  He was in his garden and us in ours and more than two meters apart so we were keeping in our bubbles.  Our bubble is the term the Government is using  to illustrate how we must stop contacts with other people.  We stay in our bubbles for the next four weeks and must not connect our bubbles.  The bubble is all the people in your household.  I do think about our lovely daughter who is the only person in her bubble.  The day before the lockdown her gym sent out a message saying if anyone wanted to pick up gym equipment the were making it available.  She collected a spin bike.  I better get onto my exercycle in the garage.  We are all in this together.  
P.S The lovely daughter follows my blips and has emailed to say she is doing fine in her bubble.  She is in touch with her friends on the House Party App, her gym trainer is doing things on line, there is still work for her  to be doing from home.  In fact "some settlements are turning to custard and she better get back to it " 
I can stop worrying now :-)

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