
I slept only 5-1/2 hours last night and have gone through the day feeling more and more punchy.  Hence this photo, which I did not take today, but which I thought might cheer a few spirits.

The OT arrived at 10:30 and helped me figure out how to sweep the floors and put Minkelina's food and water on a box so that I don't have to bend so far in order to pick up her water bowl to refill it.  I'm not sure how Minkelina will take to that - she has to jump up onto the box.  The bath aide came an hour later and I was able to take a refreshing shower, during which my knee buckled a couple of times - I think it was probably because I was so tired.  

Then the PT came by and showed me some simple exercises that can work the muscles that support the knee.
Now I'm waiting to hear back from the cleaners, who said they would come tomorrow but haven't given me a time yet.  I hope it's not too early - I need to get some sleep!

So a busy day, but one which I found overwhelming.  I hope all of you enjoyed sheltering in place today.

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