The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

East from the Knott

Another perfect misty start to a warm early Spring day.  Although I'm going out earlier, the dawn is still ahead of me. By this time the sun was high and filtering through the larch on the right of the picture. I only saw two other people and one other dog, seen here exuberantly celebrating the freedom of the morning.  This is not my usual descent route from the Knott, so I don't often see this view east across the low wooded hills of the AONB to Clawthorpe, shrouded in mist.

The altered route has worked for Gus. At last, his tummy upset is settled and he has a big appetite. So far, so good. Alas, the warmer weather has also brought out the first ticks of the season, and once we are sure he is back to full strength, he needs to have his tick treatment.

Arnside remains still and often silent during the day, though I have seen several blatant transgressions close to home of the social distancing rule. One was the predictable one of teenage mountain bikers using the footpaths of the Knott, though thankfully in twos rather than groups of 4 or 5 as has been the recent case.

On the positive side, we have been enjoying the brimstones visiting the garden, and my butterfly count for the year is now up to 3 species. And the best delight of all for me, the woodcocks are roding again at dusk.

Thank you for all the comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's misty morning blip. I'm afraid I'm a bit behind myself with comments at the moment, for which I apologise.

Back blipped on 27 March

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