We’re moving you

An interesting day today.. taken to a meeting to be introduced as the new administrator, but there are administrators and administrators and what the Chairman thought the term meant and what it actually means.. well.. anyway
The CEO asked me how my accommodation was, I said little. My manager was then asked by the CEO, unbeknown to me, she knows how I feel about the bad bed, noise, seedy area etc etc etc. The CEO asked me again, and was genuinely embarrassed to find out where I'd been put as I figured I should tell her the truth. So when I was looking at an AirBnb to move into at for a month at the end of this week I got a phonecall from the CEO. We're moving you into the Wyndham she said. And I'm so sorry. Very grateful for this more comfortable place to stay. I discovered it was 5* with a pool. Heaven. I didn't expect that, but very grateful and since we are now heading towards lockdown it's quite cheap! Sad to say goodbye to the kind staff at the other place, especially as one of the girls had been asking around about apartments for me. Contacts, or wasta as we say here, helped with my room.. I got a huge room, a studio. Once checked in I headed for the pool. My back ain't happy at the moment, so a better bed and somewhere to swim will help. And I swam, it's not long and not deep but enough to do what I needed to do. 
Comfy bed.. goodnight..

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