…................My human is going stir crazy! In these times of isolation we are told that it's good to have a routine. This is actually our 7th day of isolation because we did three days of self isolating before the complete lock down began and at the start we had a routine. The routine included stuff like tidying out wardrobes and drawers, tidying out all the kitchen cupboards, defrosting the freezer, etc, etc, etc.

For the last two/three days our routine seems to have been...................... go out for my morning walk, have breakfast, Ann does a You Tube workout and I sit in my bed and watch her.................... And then the whole routine goes to pot for the next few hours. Ann can't be bothered to do any jobs so she just sits around watching trashy TV and then has lunch. Not really because she's hungry, just because it's on our 'routine' thing to do, then she watches a bit more TV, then she wanders around into the bedroom or kitchen and thinks shall I start doing a bit of tidying, but doesn't because I'll be needing an afternoon walk and she doesn't want to start something she hasn't got time to finish. #Anyexcuse. Then we go out for my walk and walk for a couple of hours. We've started just trekking around the streets because it is more isolating than going to the parks where the whole of Edinburgh seem to have taken up jogging. Is there a time limit as to how much exercise one is allowed to do outside? Ann knows you're only really supposed to go out once a day to exercise but she would argue that owning a dog in a 4th floor flat probably qualifies as 'essential going out'.

We tend to get home at about 4.30pm-ish and Ann opens a bottle of wine because 4pm has become the new 6pm with regards to Ann's wine drinking routine. She's drank every day for the last week. And wasn't going to drink this evening because she'd run out of wine. Is that a bad thing? Today she left me 'home alone' while she went out to replenish her wine supply? No white wine in the little Sainsbury's just down the road from us so she bought some sausages, mushrooms & tinfoil just in case anybody thought she was some desperate middle aged alcoholic they could be right?! And then she popped into one of the weeny teeny shops and got some in there.

M&S and Waitrose both had HUGE queues outside with people waiting to go in and doing their social distancing thing of 2m apart. By Sunday we will have run out of bread so Ann is going to make a proper shopping list and go and do a proper shop then. She is going to make a fish pie and a chicken curry to freeze.

It's very difficult to know what to do as a single person. On the one hand we both have enough food for the next week (apart from bread). On the other hand, should Ann become ill, she'd like to think that she has enough food in the house to be able to survive for a couple of weeks without putting unnecessary strain on her friends because she'll need them to walk me. Problems, problems.

BUT on a more positive note........................ wasn't that 'Clap for the NHS' thingy last night just absolutely brilliant?!!! We were both out there on the balcony and the response was amazing. We've posted a video for anyone who is our friend on FB.

#staysafe #safehappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever

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