
No gym of course so we participated in the Joe Wicks High Intensity Workout which is on YouTube each weekday at 9.00am. We’re pretty fit, or thought we were, even so the workout made us glow and breathe heavily.

The rest of the morning was spent on various activities, creating more song sheets for a ukulele song book for example. We may be having a virtual jam session next Wednesday. I scanned a few railway slides from a collection I was given by a participant in one of our RXDs. I’ll probably post one or two of them in the future for those of you who are missing my steamy blips.

The allotment got more attention this afternoon. Very sunny, with a keen, cool breeze. Broad beans and peas were sown as well as further forking over the beds to keep the weeds down.

Today’s blip is all the way from California, a photo of grandson Landon enjoying the early spring sunshine. We’re booked to go over there in September, given the state of affairs over there currently it looks increasingly unlikely that we’ll be going.

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