Ooh, stop that, it tickles.....

It was going to be a quite depressing rubbish shot until the ewes presented the first opportunity to blip the new season lambs. We walked the quiet lanes at the foot of the North Downs this morning. A biting wind in our faces going uphill and bright sunshine and the wind behind us as we returned. We've not walked these byways for many a year as traffic is usually too much of a nuisance in normal circumstances.

An afternoon in the garden. Susan sowing flower seeds and continuing to tidy things up. I emptied one compost bin into old sacks then turned the contents of the second bin into the empty one. Lots of lovely back gold! Found a teaspoon at the bottom of the bin! Often find a utensil that's been chucked out with the peelings.

When that back-breaking work was completed I potted on lettuces and sowed more lettuce, some summer cabbage, sprouts and another batch of leeks.

Hope you're all looking after yourselves, finding plenty to do and keepinf well.

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