PT with Jo

Some of us did it this morning - some of us didn't.  In fairness, he'd fallen off a window-sill and brought a curtain rail down on himself and then tried to climb something else and pulled a lamp onto his head.  Safe to say he was feeling a little sorry for himself. 

I had the morning shift for childcare and so we went out with a racket and ball.  The eldest quite likes it, the youngest likes to have possesion of the racket but not do much with it.  The boys were busted by a dog walker as they had a pee pee off the side of a bridge over a stream on a footpath (in the middle of a rather earnest game of pooh-sticks).  

Felt like I was getting somewhere work-wise this afternoon, which was good and I even managed to do some constructive work.  Amazing.  Derailed this evening by long chats with the husband, which was very nice, but means I'll be playing catch-up a little bit this weekend. 

Aside from the stresses of work etc... a lovely day with the boys. 

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