Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat


Not the most flattering image of WW but then again I’m not used to taking Selfies!!  Well I certainly have a lot of back blipping to do.  This has been one of the strangest and confusing weeks of my life and no doubt for all of my blip buddies as well.

Who would have thought that just over two weeks ago when I drove through the gates of the Eden Health Retreat that I would walk out a week later to a world in crisis.  We were without mobile and internet connection during the week but some of the group were making calls on a landline and kept giving us snippets of what was going on in the outside world.  I now feel so blessed that I went to Eden the week I did because I truly believe that it has helped prepare me both physically and spiritually for the challenge that lies ahead over the next few months.  I have reflected on how different I would be feeling now if I hadn’t had the week I had.  I’m going to enjoy putting some images up of my time in a very VERY special place.

While I was away one of my friends toiled away and moved a veritable mountain of Eucalyptus mulch and recreated the original picnic area at Wombat Hollow.  I used to call it my dining room when I was living in the caravan and would have many great meals around the campfire with friends.  You might recognise the picnic table.  I have moved it off the deck and will try and have my lunch down there on most days.  Mike also laid the Eucy Mulch on the newly formed track that runs in a semi circle around the back of the talking circle and the picnic ground from one side of the house to the other.  I can see me walking the track on many days in the future.

I realise that the next few months will pose many challenges for all of us and we have to stay strong for ourselves and for our friends and family.  I’m so sad in many ways that I have been MIA as far as blipfoto is concerned but I had to go on the road I travelled over the past few weeks and I am so happy to tell you that I feel so much stronger in so many ways for having taken the journey.  Catherine has been beside me all the way and I have felt that very deeply.  I know she is cheering me on.  

My love and thoughts are with you all and I’m looking forward to sharing life in Solitary Confinement with my blip buddies.

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