Sshhh, this is between you and me

Doing my *100 lengths of the balcony (=1km) *up from 50 - the design on the curtains grabbed me. Perfect for Philippa’s (ApolloFly) Mono Monday challenge ‘Point’. You can see how the lines meet in a strong Point.

But don’t tell anyone they are only cheapo Ikea shower curtains. That’s between you and me. They were perfect as can be wiped down. It can get cold and damp out there

Been on the Mac, mobile, TV, and balcony. A couple of nice chats with friends. One younger pal cycled round, buzzed to let us know, and we had a chat from the balcony. A few younger acquaintances have asked if we need help. All appreciated. So far we are coping well, as I’ve said before, seeing what was happening on Italian TV prompted me to prepare.

Hope you are all managing OK. I think we must all be having the occasional meltdown, some worse than others. That’s a normal reaction, and try to think positively.

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