Mallards And Nightingales

This mallard drake was on the roof of the barn next door when we went for our morning walk. When we returned he was on the front lawn with his mate. They kept disappearing under the hedge as if they were looking for a nesting site. The song thrush and the chaffinch seemed surprised to see them.

My son, who is in lockdown with his dog in Sanlucar near Cadiz, sent me a recording of a nightingale singing from an olive tree at the bottom of his garden. It won't be long before they arrive here, just as the new NHS Nightingale hospitals are taking shape. I'm keeping strictly to the spirit of the regulations. As I've got space here to walk my dog and take exercise I don't need to go out. I won't be going to Fishers Green in the hope of hearing them this year. 

I enjoyed a short blast in my Honda S2000 on the empty roads to get essentials. It's the first time I've been able to source fresh skimmed milk and loo paper for quite a while. Being a petrolhead I was very interested to hear that Prodrive are producing ventilators and Mercedes a new design of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure device.  

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