The Deer and the Headlights

There’s a new phrase on the block: revenge shopping. I saw it in an article about the stores in Wuhan that are gradually reopening: the woman who was interviewed was literally jumping for joy to be able to go to the mall again. After two months of quarantine and surviving the pandemic, that was her heart’s desire. I guess the revenge part means we’re gonna show that virus a thing or two by buying a whole bunch of stuff. I hope I misunderstood the point of the story. 

We had to get something at the drug store and were able to do the transaction over the phone and pick up at their front door. It’s a small local place, and they were very helpful. I have absolutely no idea why they have a giant stuffed deer in the window, but it made me laugh.

Other than that adventure we had a typical day: nice long walk with no human contact; some weeding and trimming in the sunshine; a few rows of knitting on the patio. We are blessed to be where we are.

Day Sixteen

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