Leven Terrace

I know it’s Wednesday today, all day, although I couldn’t decided when I woke up if it was Wednesday or Tuesday. You see my problem - every day morphs seamlessly into the next and all are more or less the same.

I gave up watching Joe Wicks and his exercise class first thing in the morning when it took me so long to get up from the floor after the leg extensions that I missed half of the next exercise. Besides which, all that jumping around would eventually wear a hole in the carpet.
I opted instead for an hour’s walk around the area, admiring all the new shrubs and trees in their burst of spring energy.

My ‘illegal’ daffodils planted against the boundary wall and the only spot of colour my side of the railings apart from grass green are still going strong . They have been in flower for at least a month-the cold weather must appeal to them.

Whereas at the beginning of the Covid19 scare I was quite blasé about my chances of catching it, possibly because I didn’t think I would or if I did,the symptoms would be mild. However after 3 weeks of nothing but Virus facts and figures every time I turn on the television, I am not quite so sure. Goodness knows what I will feel like after 12 weeks. I’m not sure of endlessly being told of the dangers is not counterproductive, making people too terrified to enjoy what life is open to them. At least Classic FM provides a calmer medium.

With only one walk officially open to me and getting more scared by the minute of becoming a Covid victim, I have turned my attention to a little light housework as a form of exercise. This afternoon after 2 lengthy phone calls, I actually washed my bathroom floor- baby footsteps but I have to start somewhere!

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