Bumbling About

Someone said it was Saturday. Does it matter any more? With no work, nor outings and everything on the telly able to be streamed, every day is now the same as every other. It's all about the weather, and as that improves there may be even fewer excuses to sit in front of the computer.

The government has finally sorted out local authority meetings, and agreed permission through the adroitly named The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (pause for breath) that we can now meet remotely. 

That may make parish council meetings both more feasible and yet more difficult. As Chairman, I'm not looking forward to managing a dozen video cameras - assuming all the Councillors have that capability, which I'm not sure they do. Nor the possibility of maintaining safe space for members of the public to attend...

A down side of not holding meetings, however, would be that without the May Annual Parish Council Meeting there is no way to stand down as Chairman... And with that thought, here's a busy buzzy bee on a Pieris plant in the garden (not the one used in last Sunday's photograph). Spot the caterpillar?

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