
There is a danger, during this isolation period, that every photo is taken in the garden. To be fair, Janet keeps a very fine garden and spends a lot of time telling me so, but there are only so many tulips and hyacinth one can safely photograph, with or without butterflies, bees or hoverflies...

This buzzard decided to fly over the garden very low indeed, and I would have taken a fantastic picture of it if hadn't left the lens cap on. As it was, by the time I had finished swearing, he was a few houses away. I'd like you to think he then did an ET against the evening Moon, but I know you too well. Yesterday's hawk moth caterpillar proved that.

It's been a quiet day... again. If the skies are clear again tonight I may go comet hunting. There are a couple out there this month although one is certainly not visible yet (but will be). I took the extra of Venus against the Pleiades last night, handheld. I may try a tripod tonight!

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