The First Violets

9°C  -  Feels like 5°C  -  26 mph SSE Wind Speed  -  43 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  Too cold and windy for gardening, so did some more of my Future Learn ‘How to read a Novel’ course.  Very enjoyable.  OpenLearn Newsletter – the OU free online courses  -  arrived this morning with the news that since the virus lockdown they had received 1.7 million new enrolments!  Good news, I thought!  Not so good was the news that the police had apprehended our Scottish Chief Medical Officer for visiting her second home when her advice to us was to stay at home!  On a cheerier note I found my first Violets of the year peeking through the gravel:)  Not quite as early as last year  -  see them HERE!

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