Fucshias, My Garden

Quite a day am back on line with my ipad after wasting an hour of a lovely girl in the Phillipines time. It was all my mistake and lack of eyesight to read miniscule numbers. She sent me her ermail and said get back in touch if anymore problems . I know she was being kind and thinking of me as her elderly grandmother
Tonight another stunning sunset but thought no I had taken flowers. tonight dashed out to see where the fire brigade was going to and saw the moon looking oh so beautiful. Dashed back out onto the terrace camera in hand and was pleased at what I managed, hand held. Just love looking at it close up and thinking what it is like.  In extras
Covid cases dropping so that is really exciting but no letting up on restrictions yet
 Promise I will catch up over Easter just had too much to do today

Funny Easter no church services. Have as Happy an Easter everyone as you can and stay safe

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