
By strawhouse

Still Life

It's been a funny old day today. Can't settle to anything, can't concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes, can't stop eating, can't get Miss E out of her room, can't write more than a few sentences of my book (and rubbish ones at that),  can't stop refreshing the news/Facebook/emails - even as I write this.....
Evidently I can't take cups downstairs either!!
I counted up how many gaps there are in my Blips and it's 184. See the lengths I'll go to to (the lengths to which I'll go??) avoid doing the thing I've set out to do.
I doubt I can fill them all in - there's only so many times I can type "sat around doing very little until it was time to go and get the Little Misses to school"! - but I want to do the big things. I've made a start over the last few days and have got a few done 
Miss E's first day at secondary school
Miss L's first day in Year 5
The rest of our cruise to Norway  which I abandoned halfway through - no laptop, no editing facility,  no patience to do it on my phone. Still only halfway through. See, I cant stick to one thing at a time! 
And there are four trips to Kelling, Christmas, our fabulous New Year trip to Northumberland and Scotland, a couple of outings to Vicarage Road, camping in Southwold, tree climbing at Waddesdon, cream teas at Fawsley, Halloween, fireworks, charity mud runs, parachuting (in an air tunnel) and tea to the Ritz. 
To name but a few!!
It makes me happy and sad in more or less (more more if I'm honest!) equal measure looking at all the photos. Especially the cruise ones. We were supposed to be going to Norway again in a couple of months and it's hard. I know, poor me, can't go on a cruise.....
So I'll do my best to fill in some gaps and remind myself of all the fabulous things there are to do when this is all over.
I need to start a list. For when this is all over.  

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