
.... on all that today means to me as a Christian.

It’s been another really beautiful day and we’ve spent much of it in the garden. Just enjoying it today, reading, and joining in online, streamed Good Friday services.

Thinking about lots. Many people are living with huge grief right now having lost a loved one to COVID 19. I read this today, written by Mark Greene of the LICC (London Institute for Contemporary Christianity) whose father died from the virus yesterday.
“Who can measure grief? Death is always untimely”

I also heard a really moving and beautiful poem on Radio 4 PM, written in tribute of a sister who has also died, called My sister is not a statistic. It’s on Radio 4 Twitter feed. Tomorrow dear friends will remember the anniversary of their father’s death, suddenly and horribly. I will remember too.

This morning Ian lead us in a Good Friday service. Jesus was killed. He knew the pain of dying. He experienced death, for us. This week Ian will take three funeral services. He will take them with the authority of knowing the one who defeated death. But today is for remembering, for grieving.

Time does heal. God is with us on that road towards healing. Jesus rose again.. but that is to come, on Easter Day. Today, he suffers alongside us.

My extras are the story of Rev Richard Coles. I found it a wonderful truth for today.

We continue to pray for all in hospitals right now, so very ill and for all who are caring so selflessly for them.

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