Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

Craig water tower and engine house ready

Today I finished the water tower and engine house on the N scale layout.  I did a test fit for both - in this blip.  The buildings are done, but I will need to do some surgery on the surrounding landscaping.  Just to make the engine house sit flat.  I did make a test to see if the RS3 loco in the blip would fit and it does.  Always good if the loco actually fits.

Next step is to finish the ground cover - mostly cinders - around the buildings.  For instance, the water tower "dirt base" will be totally covered.  Add some weeds.  And at least a few trees at the back of the engine house.  I got interrupted when I was gluing one corner and it is a little out of square.  So like architects do when a building does not come out well - plant some trees.  Big mistake - big trees. 

Actually, after I get the Craig station built (now on the work bench) and placed I am going to go back to tree making.  I always knew this corner was too bare - it needs ground cover, bushes, and lots more trees.  So after the station is finished, that is next.

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