Just an ordinary family

So after yesterday's silliness there was hope. Ok, slim hope, that we wouldn't have to dress up this time. It was not to be.

The day started delightfully with a coffee and the dawn chorus, followed by a Tesco food delivery. I feel slightly guilty about our priority slots but hey, it's been twenty days since I've stepped off this property. Bless 'em, they even added a free chocolate egg for Easter. Ok, so it was a Nestlé one, but the thought counts.

I regained my table tennis crown, defeating Janet in a tightly fought contest. I used to be able to beat her easily, so either I've got worse... yes, that must be it. And in the evening another quiz with family near and far, set by SmileyCharlie and jess_lovett with brilliant questions and each of us trying not to be 'the competitive one'.

We didn't win. Obvs. Oh, and I got my best yet shot of a hoverfly. --->

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