secret garden

By freespiral


A wild and wet night followed by a day of sunshine, heavy showers and rainbows. Grandies' duty and we wandered along the road admiring teddies and looking out for trolls under the rickety bridge. Later we stacked a lot of bricks, matched shapes (red hot on the round hole) and sang nursery rhymes.- there are some very odd ones when you thing about it. Her current favourite is this is the way the ladies ride- you remember, by the time you get to farmers it's full on gallumping and boy can she gallump,!
My turn to cook and I made a veggie crumble. Then Esme's bathtime and some surreptitious attempts to remove the tangles from her so fine hair. Didn't work. Any advice on this? Her Momo leapt in the bath afterwards, first removing most of the ducks. Currently missing my bath, my garden (especially Bluebells), Kitchen Cove ... But how privileged to be here really.
This view is from the rickety bridge. Below us Rameka Creek, still pretty empty even after the rain. The neighbour on the other side of the road told us to help ourselves from his feijoa tree and to collect any almonds we could find. Another neighbour had left a box full of apples, beans and carrots. Another left a jar of Corvid Cocktail pickle!! An alarming colour but very tasty - more feijoas I suspect.
First snow spotted on top of yesterday's mountains.

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