Easter .....

..... Monday!
Very different to previous years, I'm sure for everyone!
The weather temperature certainly changed this morning , very windy and chilly. When those " up north " tell me they are wearing jumpers, it IS cold cos' they just don't seem to feel it , in short sleeves in the middle of winter up there! I must say it has brightened up since about 2/3 pm but remains chilly.
It's been a bit of a nothing day today for me , then again there's no rush for anything.
Don't know what it's all about - - - - I think I heard something about staying in??
My blip is of the Easter gifts from my daughter and family here in the south. The R/ Times collected by The Rev. I do like this , still think it's a bit of a ritual really.
Reading had taken most of my day up , just moved a few things about in the garden and found some containers to make ready for anything I'm able to obtain , and when ever that will be is anyone's guess.
Hope you've all enjoyed your Bank holiday Monday folks , stay safe.

Grateful ..... for a phone chat from north and south families.

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