Double whammy

This four-day weekend has played out like the start of a holiday usually does for me. At the beginning I can’t shake the stress of work so let it dominate proceedings. By the end I’ve relaxed and work demands are reduced to a manageable level. Within this context it’s been a chilled Bank Holiday Monday. In the morning I rehung a door so that Gugs could obtain a degree of privacy in her room, tightened the hinges on a cupboard, took meter readings, thought about reorganising a kitchen cupboard and dodged Gugs’ threat to get me to make houmous.

Early afternoon I went walking and regretted the lack of gloves as a polar blast was blowing through Cambridge. The cold snap didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of a girl belting out Can’t Take My Eyes Off You as she cycled, or of thieves progressively removing parts of locked bikes that the owners can’t retrieve.

My main mission was to find cut price Easter eggs and do some bingeing. Following the usually sage advice of Hannah and Clare I was resigned to the fact that Double Decker Easter eggs don’t exist. To my surprise I spotted some in Coop, albeit not reduced so not worth engaging with. Instead I fashioned my own Double Decker Easter egg by purchasing a standard basic chocolate egg and attaching separate Double Deckers to the box. With some Boosts thrown in for good measure (off camera). All very satisfying.

Cambridgeshire police has made the news on a few occasions for over-stretching its mandate, and I’m certainly seeing much greater presence of police vehicles than ever before. In the few years before 2018 when I left to Mozambique it was extremely rare to see them. I understand the current role they need to perform but the level of resources surprises me as I thought cuts had decimated the force and I’ve seen nothing about recruitment of extra numbers. Has the crime rate dropped so much in every other area that all police and vehicles are now focusing on enforcement of the coronavirus rules? I’m interested in comments from anyone who knows how the police are being organised and directed at the moment.

In the evening a message from a flustered sister who tells me that a lad from our road in the year below me at high school is now appearing in Hollyoaks.

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