Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Birthday Girl

Mrs. Tuttle enjoyed her birthday treats and birthday cake this morning. The cake was expertly put together by Tuttle Jnr last night (see extra) while I did the dishes and cooked the tea. I like this time of year because it is the one time I can offically say "I am now the same age as Mrs. Tuttle". We had a surreal, emotional moment over breakfast: a letter in the post from our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Not personally from him of course, but it was quite reassuring as Tuttle Jnr read it out aloud over our cereal. Staying safe, looking out for each other and praising the NHS etc. Regardless of what one thinks of him, we should all wish Boris Johnson a speedy recovery from this cruel, deadly virus. And not to mention all those who have suffered recently.

I 3D printed off some prototypes of the visors this afternoon whilst trying to liaise with my boss via Whatsapp, email and telephone: we would get this done so much quicker in the workshop together, but considering the circumstances of social distancing, we are making jolly good progress. Our Whatsapp group going in absolute over drive as we are all trying to chip in with ideas, suggestions and prototype updates.

Tomorrow should see us start our first batches.

Stay safe Blippers. 

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