Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Another day...

I barely know what day of the week it is anymore - it must be a week day as both Gavin and Luke are back to working full days again. I walked Xena on my own to the woods today, it was quiet there and she seems to also be social distancing as she does not spend that much time playing with other dogs - maybe she senses my  desire to stay far away from other people. 

I spent some time in the garden photographing tulips and other flowers but I preferred this photo of Xena standing on the wall - earlier she was chasing butterflies, crashing all over my spring plants that are coming up again...

I found myself getting a bit obsessed with the numbers released every day at the daily Coronovirus briefing, but I shouldn't really as they are not even accurate as they are only from hospital deaths, and there is a lag on recording deaths in care homes and the community as it takes time for those death certificates to be released. Also there are cases where a patient has Covid-19 but also has other conditions and may die of a heart attack, for example,  and possibly could have recovered from Covid-19 yet the death is recorded as being down to Covid-19. Every country is recording statistics a different way, and of course as we cannot test sufficient numbers due to the ongoing shortage of testing equipment (why is it taking so bloody long?) the number shown as infected with the virus is totally inaccurate. So I really should stop looking at those figures and just know that there are many heartbroken people out there who have lost loved ones, and they are not just a number, and all this talk of numbers is quite heartless.

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