Week 4- Day 1 - My 1850th blip!!

And Ralph, my go to blip photo subject.

As I said yesterday, it was a struggle to get up this morning. I knew it would be. I started work at 7.30 knowing I had 5 pensions I wanted to get processed. A challenge if I’m in the office, but from home with everything taking that much longer, probably a bit ambitious!

At lunchtime I went for a short cycle ride with Mollie. Just a circuit where I usually jog. Enough to wake me up a bit. Then lunch looking into the garden and read a bit of one of the books I’ve got on the go. I worked on until gone 5, so a bit longer than I should, but it is a short week and we are still getting demanding emails from people wanting everything yesterday. Don’t they know there is a war on!!?

Jon was out for work this morning, but back at lunchtime. I cooked tea while Jon went for another long run. All these fit people in my house are making me feel quite inadequate! Then I made a couple of bits of jewellery and looked at my emails. There I found an email from an old school friend, so before blipping sent a long long reply back to her. You all know how I can go on a bit, but I’m not sure she will have been expecting such a long essay from me!

I started blip in 2015, so that Henry’s and my friends in Cambridge could see how we are doing following the big move. So 1850 blips later. I actually think we are doing ok. All locked down here in our cosy Norfolk cottage. We do love it here (even Dan does really)....but even we would like to get out and see our nearest and dearest. So we are staying at home and staying safe, so that that day comes sooner. I hope you are too.

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