
By TMac

That Poem Again

I overuse this poem but it is one that I think of often when walking.
A collaborative Zoom meeting with local vets tonight has left me tired but hopeful.
Before the meeting, I was feeling a bit wistful. I looked back over my  Facebook post at the end of the first week of Lockdown. I am trying to post once a week to provide some encouragement and support. Whether it works or not, I have no idea. But I like writing...

Copied and pasted, with amendments to maintain virtual social distancing!
I focused on Gratitude.


Well, that's been a very strange week.
With more to come.
We are walking in an alien landscape, and much of what we are experiencing varies from disconcerting to terrifying.
When we all booked holidays, and concert tickets, and dental appointments, did we ever imagine things could change so much in such a short time?

I obviously have far too much time on my hands (I don't really; I just have a very busy mind) as I've been pondering on the good, the bad, and the ugly of our current predicament.

The bad and the ugly need shelved for now so we can focus on the good.

So, here are some of my "goods" thus far:

* An amazing sense of community - our wee street is stepping right up to the mark.
We now know that xxxx's family like to buy 13(!!) sausages at a time (still SO very wrong!), xxx knows that we eat a LOT of creme fraiche, that xxxx was impressed by the sheer size of the "Ballingry breasts", that I would like to be Olivia Walton sitting out on a rocking chair in the porch but am more likely to be compared to Mrs Dubose yelling obscenities, that our son has a huge heart (I'm still having heart palpitations when I see his shorn head)...
The list goes on. Driving into work this afternoon was heart-warming as neighbours looked up and waved.

There is a lot of unpleasant stuff lurking, and every day we all feel the tendrils of fear snaking out attempting to pull us under.
But, the sense of community, and the strength it brings, can get us through. That and the laughs!

* Time.

We rush about so much.

Now that time has stood still, perhaps we really should let ourselves acknowledge how good it feels to have "time to stand and stare". I feel shackled by being so restricted for my walks, but had I not been limited to where I can go, I wouldn't have stood for 20 minutes+ watching bickering Shelducks, or sitting so still that a Reed Bunting looked me in the eye.

* The wonderful wonderful NHS.

The NHS thank you the other night was so emotional - how incredibly lucky are we to have such a health service? We all know someone who is out there giving their all for the NHS and, ultimately, us.

* Location, location, location.

How can we ever stop being inspired when we have such an amazing view to look onto? Mother Nature always wins through somehow. I felt really quite low tonight. I am a restless spirit and like to be on the move. It really doesn't suit me to be confined. I had lots of unpleasant thoughts nagging. And then I looked out the window...

In the meantime, some inspiring words by W.H.Davies to remind us to take the time to stand and stare...


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


P.S. For those in doubt, no gin has passed my lips tonight!

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